Saturday, March 12, 2011

Party Night = Crazy Night

So we had a big event tonight and because it's college there is bound to be a party afterwords. Yes there is a scheduled party but along with this there is also all the little side parties. The ones where people think they need to drink enough alcohol to last them for a few years. I still don't understand the need to drink to a state of drunkenness. Tipsy I kind of get but not drunkenness. Also. Sophomores...getting the freshman drunk is a really bad idea. You won't be able to handle them unless you are COMPLETELY sober. And really when does that ever happen? If you are giving alcohol to freshman you are also drinking. Oh. I lost my cool a little bit tonight. I regret it but I think I got my point across. People shouldn't do what they have been warned not to do. :(

I think I'm a little sensitive tonight though. I had a wisdom tooth taken out on Friday afternoon. I switched duty yesterday but now looking back I should have begged for today as well. I don't think this would have happened though because of the particular event. Everyone wants to go. So I'm guess I'm fortunate that Friday even got taken. But now because of stress my mouth is starting to hurt. :( It's not a good situation. Lots of sad faces tonight. It's finally quiet. I can't wait for 1:30 when the party is over. Wish me luck.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Life and Times

Since my last post I have acquired my own fishes. I have one Betta and his name is Damon. He has two little friends and they are glow fish named pepper and peaches. I am learning new things about them everyday. They are so interesting to watch! Don't worry though! They all get along great! They live in a five gallon tank with a heater so they are pretty happy creatures. I have had Damon for almost a month now and I don't think I have been happier. :) I love them!

Anyways, on to RA business. Life in the RA world has been awfully busy lately. From new placements to new RA's being hired. I am thrilled about most of the newbies but that is a post for a different day after my upcoming battle. I am super excited to be moving on to a new place next year! I can't wait for new residents and new experiences. My residents are all excited about upcoming events and housing. It's a pretty exciting time. There will be more news to come soon!.

Have a great week/weekend/spring break!