Saturday, March 12, 2011

Party Night = Crazy Night

So we had a big event tonight and because it's college there is bound to be a party afterwords. Yes there is a scheduled party but along with this there is also all the little side parties. The ones where people think they need to drink enough alcohol to last them for a few years. I still don't understand the need to drink to a state of drunkenness. Tipsy I kind of get but not drunkenness. Also. Sophomores...getting the freshman drunk is a really bad idea. You won't be able to handle them unless you are COMPLETELY sober. And really when does that ever happen? If you are giving alcohol to freshman you are also drinking. Oh. I lost my cool a little bit tonight. I regret it but I think I got my point across. People shouldn't do what they have been warned not to do. :(

I think I'm a little sensitive tonight though. I had a wisdom tooth taken out on Friday afternoon. I switched duty yesterday but now looking back I should have begged for today as well. I don't think this would have happened though because of the particular event. Everyone wants to go. So I'm guess I'm fortunate that Friday even got taken. But now because of stress my mouth is starting to hurt. :( It's not a good situation. Lots of sad faces tonight. It's finally quiet. I can't wait for 1:30 when the party is over. Wish me luck.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Life and Times

Since my last post I have acquired my own fishes. I have one Betta and his name is Damon. He has two little friends and they are glow fish named pepper and peaches. I am learning new things about them everyday. They are so interesting to watch! Don't worry though! They all get along great! They live in a five gallon tank with a heater so they are pretty happy creatures. I have had Damon for almost a month now and I don't think I have been happier. :) I love them!

Anyways, on to RA business. Life in the RA world has been awfully busy lately. From new placements to new RA's being hired. I am thrilled about most of the newbies but that is a post for a different day after my upcoming battle. I am super excited to be moving on to a new place next year! I can't wait for new residents and new experiences. My residents are all excited about upcoming events and housing. It's a pretty exciting time. There will be more news to come soon!.

Have a great week/weekend/spring break!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

An Extended Absence

Sorry to disappear for so long. After being sick, there was a crazy weekend filled with antics (not my antics but those of mine and other residents) then there was Thanksgiving and all that comes with it. All and all a very interesting combination of things. So more or less updating the blog took a backseat. But now I catch at least a few moments of relaxation while I'm working a wedding reception. It's honestly my favorite. (NO) But I will get back to that event later. Instead, I will focus on what this blog is about, being an RA. So my crazy fun filled weekend (last weekend) was crazy and fun filled. Sort of. Friday night led to lots of fun with progressive dinner. A program that did a wonderful job at stressing me out more than I would like to admit. Mostly because of a great combination of I did way too much alone and didn't ask for help and people left me alone and didn't offer help. Lets just say cooking dinner for 50 people is no walk in the part. I did enjoy the food though. I'm a good cook. :) Or at lead I have enough skills to keep me on top for now. Especially in college where the majority of people can barely open soup. Much less cook it. Thankfully that night on duty was mostly calm. I wish the same could be said for Saturday night. On Saturday night there was a party. It was one of the biggest parties of the year and mishap was bound to occur...but let me tell you something...don't ever say "Oh, nothing happens in my dorm" Because if you say that, it will backfire. In my case it backfired horribly. Lets just say I am really glad I have a strong stomach. It actually came in handy in that incident. Lucky me. After calls to the duty phone and anti-disease spray and lots of sorb-it life was pretty much back to normal. But more or less it was enough to keep me on edge for the rest of the night. Sunday came with noisy excited residents obviously ready for the break. That weekend was enough to keep me exhausted for the following week. And then the holiday came and now I'm back at school working at my second job. I am baby sitting a reception. You know, making sure they don't destroy the building and such. As of now my stomach is growling and I need food. My 8am bowl of rice crispies are not holding out and the worst part is I can smell the food from the reception. I don't know what it is but I want it. I will have to contain myself because I can't have it and I'm going to dinner in 3 hours or so. Depending on when they leave. Also the elevator music they are playing is slightly annoying.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Being Sick

I apologize for abandoning my blog for so many days. I got sick which does not help with anything especially when finals are so close and I am apparently being watched like a fish. So I went to class with my tissue box and cold medicine. Got a few strange looks from my teachers. But I think I set a pretty good example. Even though getting up in the morning was utter terror (the nighttime cold medicine does NOT wear off by 7 a.m.) I loved the looks I got from all my professors. They looked at me like I was a little crazy but were fine after I assured them that I was not contagious. That made them happy I assume. The worst part about being sick is acting like you are okay when you see your residents. I didn't want them to think I was super sick so I tried to hide my sniffles. Mostly they saw right through it and kept asking me if I was okay. Which was a super sweet thing for all of them to do. In general I have the greatest residents ever...Most days anyway. 

Monday, November 15, 2010

What is the Fishbowl life?

When introduced to this concept I was a little confused. I didn't understand but apparently this means that where ever we RA's go, we are being watched. Not exactly in the 1984 big brother type of way but in a more of a big sister little sister type of way. I really like being an RA. Don't get me wrong, it's great. But sometimes it's a little hard to take. This year, my first as an RA, I feel disconnected from my friends. Like I'm suddenly the "bad guy". I wonder if that's how everyone sees us. is RA immediately associated with "the one who gets us in trouble"? Are we really the bad guys? So when we were told about this concept last week in our staff meeting I became curious and wanted to really know if we are watched as closely by our residents. Any college students out you guys watch your RA's closely? 
In general I will try to update this blog as often as possible to give those who are interested a look into the life of an RA.